Pooled Money Investment Board

Municipal Investment Pool

Transferring Bond Payments to Kansas State Treasurer from Your MIP Account

Option 1

Depositor directly notifies the Fiscal Services Department, State Treasurer’s Office


Notify the Fiscal Services Department, State of Kansas Treasurer’s Office

At least 20 days prior to the bond payment due date, notify the Fiscal Services Department, State of Kansas Treasurer’s Office, that payment will be made through your MIP account (K.S.A. 10-130). Email municipality name, bond payment due date, and payment amount to Bond.receipts@treasurer.ks.gov.

Deposit funds in MIP account

Paying by MIP OMIP account:

At least 6 business days prior to the bond payment due date, deposit funds in your MIP OMIP account. 

Paying by MIP Fixed Rate investment:

The fixed rate investment must mature one business day prior to the bond payment due date.

Create online bond payment transaction

Paying by MIP OMIP account:

At least 5 business days prior to the bond payment due date, create an online MIP bond payment transaction.  The KMIP system will autofill the transaction effective date as 1 business day prior to the bond payment due date.  The MIP administrator will approve and certify the transaction.  Once certified, the funds will no longer be available for withdrawal or transfer prior to bond payment.

Paying by MIP Fixed Rate investment:

At least 5 business days prior to the bond payment due date, from the Fixed Rate account, create an online MIP transfer transaction for bond payment. The KMIP system will autofill the transaction effective date as 1 business day prior to the bond payment due date.

Payment transferred

Bond payment will be deducted from your MIP account and transferred to the Fiscal Services Department, Kansas State Treasurer’s Office on the MIP transaction effective date (1 business day prior to the bond payment due date).

Option 2

MIP notifies the Fiscal Services Department, State Treasurer’s Office


Deposit funds in MIP account

Paying by MIP OMIP account:

At least 21 business days prior to the bond payment due date, deposit funds in your MIP OMIP account.

Paying by MIP Fixed Rate investment:

The fixed rate investment must mature one business day prior to the bond payment due date.

Create online bond payment transaction

Paying by MIP OMIP Account:

At least 20 business days prior to the bond payment due date, create an online MIP bond payment transaction. The KMIP system will autofill the transaction effective date as 1 business days prior to the bond payment due date. The MIP administrator will approve and certify the transaction. Once certified, the funds will no longer be available for withdrawal or transfer prior to bond payment.

Paying by MIP Fixed Rate investment:

At least 20 business days prior to the bond payment due date, from the Fixed Rate account, create an online MIP transfer transaction for bond payment. The KMIP system will autofill the transaction effective date as 1 business day prior to the bond payment due date.

Payment transferred

Bond payment will be deducted from your MIP account and transferred to the Fiscal Services Department, Kansas State Treasurer’s Office on the MIP transaction effective date (1 business day prior to the bond payment due date).

Notice: This site contains certain limited statistical and financial data relating to activities of the Pooled Money Investment Board of the State of Kansas and has not been prepared or maintained as a source of investor information and should not be relied upon for investment purposes. Investor information regarding State bonds is available at www.emma.msrb.org.